The Coalition to Strengthen Bone Health, brings together the voices and strengths of aging, family caregiver, women’s health and bone health advocates to raise awareness about the importance of bone health and the impact of osteoporosis and bone fractures on families and taxpayers and help advance evidence-based policy solutions to improve bone health
Strong Voices for Strong Bones®
Coalition members are joined together in shared commitment to raise awareness and drive policy that advances these goals:
We need greater awareness about the importance of bone health, its impact on patients and caregivers and taxpayers, and cost-effective steps that can be taken to optimize bone health, prevent fractures and improve health outcomes.
We must put an end to the stigma and ageism associated with osteoporosis to assure that bone health gets the high priority and attention it deserves.
Everyone deserves access to affordable high-quality age-appropriate bone health screening.
Access to effective therapies to treat osteoporosis should be affordable and determined by each patient and their health professional
Best practices in care management and coordination for those who have suffered bone fractures should be replicated and appropriately incentivized
Coalition to Strengthen Bone Health Members
Alliance for Women’s Health and Prevention
Arthritis Foundation
Autoimmune Association
Black Women’s Health Imperative
Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation
Coalition to Transform Advanced Care
Global Healthy Living Foundation
National Alliance on Caregiving
National Asian Pacific Center on Aging
National Caucus and Center on Black Aging
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
National Hispanic Caucus on Aging
National Spine Health Foundation
Obesity Action Coalition
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
National Women’s Health Network