State Resolution Toolkit 

On the heels of the Milliman Report’s state-based data addressing the differences in the economic and clinical impact of fractures suffered by Americans on Medicare, the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) needs your help to reinforce May as Osteoporosis Awareness & Prevention Month and spread awareness of osteoporosis and its impact. The following toolkit includes a sample introductory statement and sample resolution to be edited according to your state’s data and the specific state Milliman report. Here is the link to the Milliman Report which provides the state-specific information and critical numbers to assist you in completing the Proclamation. When you visit the link, you will find a map of the U.S. Simply click on your state and you will find the individual findings.

Patients’ Perspectives as a Catalyst for Action to Improving Osteoporosis Care

Despite progress in scientific research and available treatments and diagnostic tools, osteoporosis remains a global health problem with potentially devastating consequences for patients and significant costs for health care systems.

Ghent University prepared a report that presents for the first time the strongest voice in the mission to increase awareness of osteoporosis and to advocate for proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent future fractures – the patients’ voice. Patients of both sexes and all ages, representing 14 countries worldwide, have shared their powerful experiences and perspectives reinforcing the need for early screening, intervention and appropriate post-fracture care.

Download the infographic here and the full report here.


Medicare Cost Of Osteoporotic Fractures – 2021

The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (formerly the National Osteoporosis Foundation) contracted with the independent actuarial firm Milliman to analyze the state-by-state economic and clinical impact of osteoporotic fractures suffered by Americans insured by Medicare. These reports provide the latest and most detailed state-level review of the incidence of osteoporotic fractures, their health care impact and associated Medicare costs. They are available for advocacy use to raise awareness and encourage policy makers to take action to improve bone health. View the findings here.


medicare cost of Osteoporotic fractures - 2019

The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (formerly the National Osteoporosis Foundation) contracted with the independent actuarial firm, Milliman, to conduct an analysis of the clinical and cost burden of fractures caused by osteoporosis. The analysis also provides insights on potential economic savings that could be realized if the rate of secondary (repeat) fractures were reduced. View the findings here.


outreach to the Donald J. Trump and Joseph Biden Presidential campaigns

NOF sent letters to the Trump and Biden campaigns alerting them to the crisis in osteoporosis and our action agenda.


National Osteoporosis Foundation Report Finds Patient-Centered Care Is Key Element in Delivering High-Quality, High-Value Treatment

A new study, released July 29, 2019, found that these high-risk patients remain untreated despite knowing of their increased fracture risk, having concerns that a fracture could severely limit quality of life, and being aware of their treatment options. Read the full study here.